Title: Wish I Could Touch Your Pain
Pairing: Emily/JJ
Rating: PG-13
Summary: JJ is dealing with her guilt over Reid getting kidnapped by Tobias and Emily wishes she could help.
Authors note: This is my first Emily/JJ fic (and my first Criminal Minds fic for that matter), so I’m a little nervous about posting it, but I decided not to let that fear discourage me. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything, but the whole JJ/Emily thing has really hit me hard and I seem to have all of those ideas in my head now… This is the first one that I actually managed to turn into a story. It’s kind of a songfic, but it involves actual plot too, hehe :D So let me know what you think!
Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own Criminal Minds or its characters. I wish I did, though.
I'm totally new to LJ (I've never really used it), so please forgive me if I'm doing anything wrong. The whole LJ cut thing is giving me grief, so I'm just gonna post a link to where the story is available. I hope that works too: