Into The Night 7/7, CSI Miami, Calleigh/Natalia, NC-17

Apr 11, 2009 00:29

Title: Into The Night 7/7
Pairing: Calleigh/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I spend a lot of time with them. This if for theflyingshadow. Sorry dear it took me so long. This is not part of my series. Alternate story line.
Archiving: P & P, DuVista, women_in_kevlar, all others please ask. Thanks to red_state_exile & dhamphir for betaing.

All of your feedback was greatly appreciated.

Stumbles had carefully picked up the young woman and carried her up the stairs into a combined office and bedroom. Placing her gently on the bed, he took a step back and gestured around the room, “There is a change of clothes in the bathroom over there. Someone will be up soon to talk with you.”

Getting up off the bed, Natalia wrapped her arms around the man and hugged him, “I don’t know how I will ever be able to thank you.”

Blushing slightly, Stumbles hugged her briefly, before he stepped out of her embrace and started for the door. “Just have a happy life. You deserve it.”

When the door closed, Natalia looked around the room, seeing a well organized office space, and neat living quarters. Walking into the bathroom, she found a pair of sweat pants and a zip-up hoodie. She quickly removed her clothes before throwing them into the garbage. She never wanted to wear them again. Pulling the Velcro away from the vest, she winced as it slid away from her body. Looking down, she gasped at the bruise that was forming right below her left breast; it was then that she realized that she was indeed very lucky to be alive. She knew that she owed Eric a huge debt of gratitude.

Getting into the shower, she turned on the water and let it slide over her skin. Tilting her head up, she mentally and figuratively washed Nick Townsend from her life. No more would she have to be scared or frightened at every sound. After washing her hair and cleaning her body, Natalia turned off the water and got out of the shower before wrapping herself in a thick body sheet to dry off.

Pulling on the clothes, she went back into the living area and sat down on a chair near the bed. Her body began to relax and she was almost asleep when the door to the room opened and Max walked in.

Sitting up straight, Natalia tried to get her thoughts in order as she became more alert.

Max paused for a moment, just staring at the young woman, taking a deep breath before she pulled the bandana from her head. “Give me a little bit to get cleaned up and then we’ll talk, alright?”

Natalia just nodded.

Turning away, Max went into the bathroom, but before she closed the door she turned back and said, “If you want to lie down, please do. I know that it’s been a long day for you.”

Natalia decided to take Max up on her suggestion and lie down on the bed, facing the bathroom. Soon her eyes were closing and she was in a light sleep.


Closing the door to the bathroom, Calleigh leaned against it for a few moments, closing her eyes and getting her breathing under control. As much as she wanted to walk over and take Natalia into her arms, she wanted to be able to talk to Natalia looking like herself, not Max.

Stripping off her clothes, she put them into the garbage before grabbing a washcloth and the items needed to get her hair and skin back it their natural colors. Stepping into the shower, she turned on the water and started with her hair. After a quarter hour of washing the last of the brown dye was washing down the drain and her golden hair was being conditioned. Her skin would take longer to return to normal, but she was looking more like herself than she had in a long time.

Finally getting out of the shower, she dried off and stepped in front of the mirror to began to blow dry her hair. After finishing, she put on the exact same outfit that she had worn the last time that she had been with Natalia.

Putting her hand on the doorknob, Calleigh hung her head for a few moments, trying to get her wildly beating heart to calm down before she went out to face the woman she had been searching for. Even though Natalia had said that she was imagining it was her touching her body during the dance, Calleigh feared Natalia may not want to be with her because of what she’d done.

Opening the door, the first thing that Calleigh saw was Natalia asleep on the bed. She stood in the doorway for the longest time, just staring. When Natalia began to stir and opened her eyes, Calleigh realized that she needed to get something from her desk so that she could return it to Natalia.


Opening her eyes, Natalia caught a flash of gold and quickly sat up. “Calleigh! What? How?”

Grabbing the item from the desk drawer, Calleigh walked over to stand next to the bed, holding out the cap that Natalia had left with her almost a year ago, “Umm… Hi.”

Getting off the bed, Natalia reached out to take the cap, only to drop it on the floor. Slowly she reached up to caress the blonde’s face, sighing as Calleigh leaned into the caress, closing her eyes.

When Calleigh opened her eyes, Natalia looked puzzled. “I thought that you had green eyes.”

Realization kicked in. “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot to take out the contact lenses.” Calleigh quickly took them out, dropping them to the floor since she would never wear them again.

A slow smile spread on Natalia’s face, “Max… I knew that it was you… Somewhere deep down inside, I knew… Calleigh…You came for me.” Tears began to track their way down Natalia’s cheeks.

Gently brushing the wetness from the bronze skin, Calleigh leaned forward to breathe against parted lips, “I said that I would, and I always do what I say. I’m just sorry that it took so long.” She let her lips glide against Natalia’s. The kiss started slow and hesitant, almost like they were saying hello for the first time, but as lips caressed lips memories and the emotion took over and it became a hungry, demanding kiss.

Pulling away a bit, Calleigh rose up on her tip toes and placed gentle kisses on each of Natalia's eyelids. “No more tears, for either of us. Are you ready to get out of here?”

Natalia pulled away even farther, “Yes, but I feel that I should tell you what Nick put…”

“No,” Calleigh placed her fingers over Natalia’s lips. “No, I don’t need to know what happened over this past year. You survived it, we’re back together, and that’s all that counts. If we feel the need to talk about it later on, we will, but right now, all I care about is that you’re in my arms. Now let’s get out of here.”

Grasping Natalia’s hand in hers, Calleigh led them out of the office, down the backstairs and outside to her car.

“Aren’t we going to say good-bye to Eric?” Natalia asked as she buckled her seatbelt.

Shaking her head, Calleigh explained, “No, because the fewer people that see you, the less chance that Nick finds out that you are still alive. I know that most of the people in there are on our side, but there are still some civilians in there and I didn’t want to take that chance.”

Natalia picked up Calleigh’s right hand and kissed her knuckles, she asked. “So where are we headed?”

Glancing at Natalia with a smile on her face, Calleigh answered. “I thought that we should finish what we started. I have our room reserved at the Lakeside Inn, but it’s gonna take us a couple of hours to get there.”

Easing the seatback to an incline, Natalia turned so that she was facing the blonde, still holding onto Calleigh’s hand. “There is nowhere else I need or want to be, but with you.”

“Lucky for me, because all I want is be with you too. We should be there in about two hours.”

The ride was quiet. Calleigh tried to keep her concentration on the road and not on the woman in the seat next to her, while Natalia had all of her attention on the blonde.

Now that she had the chance to look at her, Natalia could see how tired Calleigh looked, and that she had lost a bit of weight, but the sparkle she remembered still shone in Calleigh’s eyes. Natalia was still shocked that Calleigh had come after her; she couldn’t even imagine everything that she had to go through to set things up or what she had gone through during the past year. Maybe one day they would both be able to open up, but that wasn’t important now.

After a while, Calleigh looked over to see that Natalia had fallen asleep, and she smiled, remembering back to the first night that Natalia had slept in her bed. She was still as beautiful as she was then.

Finally, they arrived at the Inn and after Calleigh parked the car, she turned and gently shook the sleeping woman, “Talia… We’re here. I’m going to go get the key and I’ll be right back, ok?”

“Mm ‘k,” was all Natalia said as she turned straight in her seat and stretched a bit. Rolling down the window, she let in the night breeze, and leaned back against the seat. Turning, she watched as Calleigh lightly tripped down the steps and got back into the car to park closer to their room.

A few minutes later they were unlocking the door and walking into the same room that they had almost a year ago, but now they looked at each other nervously. Slowly Calleigh approached Natalia, placing her hands lightly on her hips. “What do you say we take things slow? I know that I want to be with you, now more than ever, but I know that we need to reconnect. We both need time to realize that we have nothing at all to worry about, and I don’t mind waiting.”

Natalia threaded her fingers through golden hair, “I know that I want to be with you too, but I think that you’re right. We do need to take it a bit slow, but not too slow.” Leaning down, she brushed her lips against Calleigh’s.

Both women felt the rush of being with each other begin to flame as they kissed. Pulling away, they smiled and Calleigh went to open the bags she had brought from the car. Inside were the clothes Natalia had left behind the last time she was there.

“We can go shopping and get you some new clothes tomorrow, but at least you have something to change into now.”

Changing into their nightclothes, they pulled down the bed, and crawled inside. Natalia opened her arms to wrap Calleigh in her embrace. Soon both women were sound asleep.

For the next couple of days the two women talked, shopped, and walked around Mt. Dora, getting reacquainted with the charming city. They were always touching each other. Little caresses, a hand on the small of the back, something that always put them in contact with each other. At night in bed, they would cuddle and kiss, but never moving beyond that.

Then one evening Natalia came out of the bathroom to get ready to go to dinner, and found Calleigh standing in a pool of sunlight. She was wearing a maroon tank top with black pants that hugged and highlighted her athletic curves. Black boots and a leather belt completed the outfit. Her hair fell about her shoulders like liquid gold and her skin took on a golden hue; it was like she was the essence of the sun.

Natalia must have gasped because Calleigh turned and looked in her direction. Walking towards the golden entity, Natalia murmured, “Do you know how many days I wished I was here with you?”

“Three hundred and twelve.”

Reaching out to unbuckle the leather belt, then undoing the button and the zipper of the pants, Natalia continued, “And how many nights I ached to be in your arms?”

“Three hundred and twelve.”

Pulling the tank top from the pants, Natalia drew it over Calleigh’s head and let it drop to the floor, quickly followed by her bra. “Do you know how many times Eric told me that you loved me?”

Golden hair moved across sun kissed shoulders, “No.”

Kneeling at Calleigh’s feet, Natalia pulled off the boots, then reached up to remove the remaining clothing, leaving her standing in golden glory. “He told me thousands of times; every time we met, before he left, when he passed me in the hallway. He was always telling me.” Reaching out her hand, Natalia led Calleigh to the bed to lie down. Sitting beside her, Natalia drew her fingers lightly up her thigh, trailing goose bumps in their wake. “That knowledge kept me sane and kept me alive. When everything would get so bad, I would have your image in my mind and I handled it all.”

Natalia’s fingers teased golden curls, the dampness beckoning them in. Slowly she filled her love, only to retreat before she filled her again. With ever-maddening slowness, she delved in deeper, casually letting her thumb glide over Calleigh’s clit, causing the blonde to arch against the bed. Leaning down, Natalia drew a hardening nipple between her lips and began to suckle, eliciting a moan from between Calleigh’s lips..

Sitting back up so that she could watch Calleigh, Natalia whispered, “I would also remember that you said that you would come for me. Well, I want you to do it again. Come for me.” With that, she flicked the little bundle of nerves with her thumb, and began thrusting faster and harder.

Calleigh’s eyes rolled back into her head as she fisted the sheets, trying to anchor herself. Suddenly Natalia breathed in her ear, “Come for me again, Calleigh.” Her body shook as her nerves went into overdrive and the sensations became too much for her to handle. Crying out Natalia’s name, Calleigh’s body spasmed around her fingers, wetness dripping down Natalia’s wrist.

Fluttering her fingers, Natalia slowly withdrew them, and brought them up to her own lips, letting her tongue clean each finger slowly, watching as Calleigh’s slowly opened her eyes and saw what she was doing.

Rising up, Calleigh grasped Natalia’s wrist and brought it to her own mouth, savoring the taste of herself on her lover’s fingers. Moaning, she rose to her knees so that she was next to the brunette, caressing her face.

“Do you know how many days I kicked myself for letting you go?”

“Three hundred and twelve,” was whispered.

Green eyes searched the dark brown eyes, watching her carefully, “Do you know how many nights I wished that I could have taken your place?”

Natalia mouthed, “Three hundred and twelve.”

Reaching out, Calleigh slid her hands between the opening of Natalia’s robe, slowly parting it until there was nothing blocking her sight of the bronze body, “I had to trust that Eric would keep you safe until I figured out how to get you out of there. I had to believe that you wanted to come back to me, and when you said what you did in the bar, I almost dragged you from the stage right then.”

Letting her hands ghost down the side of Natalia’s breasts, Calleigh watched in wonder as her nipples hardened and lengthened. Leaning forward, she took one between her lips as her right hand played with the other.

Natalia arched forward, pressing more of herself into Calleigh’s warmth. Calleigh’s tongue rolled over the nipple, teasing it. She pressed forward until Natalia was flat on her back and leaned over her. Golden hair hung like a curtain, blocking everything from Natalia’s sight except Calleigh’s dark green eyes.

One of Calleigh’s hands made its way down to Natalia’s center where she found the slickness and arousal that she had been dreaming of for so long. Watching as Natalia’s eyes closed slightly and her lips parted with tiny gasps, Calleigh had never seen anything so beautiful as this woman moving underneath her. Sliding in three fingers, she filled Natalia up so completely that the brunette undulated her hips in time with Calleigh’s thrusts almost immediately.

Moving her thumb against the tiny little bundle of nerves, Calleigh growled as Natalia’s body seemed to almost shimmer as her inner walls tightened around Calleigh’s fingers. Leaning down, Calleigh captured Natalia lips in a hard kiss, tongues wrapped around each other as Calleigh brought Natalia once again over the edge, swallowing the moan as it slipped out.

Slowly, Calleigh withdrew from the still throbbing warmth to wrap herself around the sweaty body, drawing Natalia close with one hand while she drew the sheets around them with the other. Kissing her forehead, Calleigh whispered, “You said the first time that we were together that you wanted me as long as you could have me, and what I said then is still true. You can have me as long as you want me.”

“I want you now and forever.”

Kissing softly, they talked and loved each other long into the night.

fandom: csi miami, fic, character: calleigh duquesne, author: sinjenkai, character: natalia boa vista

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