Questions 30B/?, CSI Miami, Calleigh/Natalia, NC-17

Jan 31, 2009 22:57

Title: Questions 30B/?
Pairing: Calleigh/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I spend a lot of time with them
Archiving: P & P, DuVista, women_in_kevlar, femslash_smut, all others please ask

As soon as she saw her father, Natalia’s face broke into a wide grin. Going up to him, she threw her arms around him neck and hugged him hard. Turning to Calleigh, she introduced her to her father. “Papá, este es Calleigh Duquesne, la mujer con la cual voy a casarme.” Papa, this is Calleigh Duquesne, the woman that I’m going to marry.

Taking a step forward, Calleigh reached out to shake the older man’s hand. “Esto es así mucho gusto Sr. Boa Vista. Natalia me ha dicho tanto sobre usted.” It is so nice to meet you Mr. Boa Vista. Natalia has told me so much about you.

Her father’s smile told Natalia that everything was going to be ok. “It is nice to finally meet you too Calleigh and please, call me Alex.” He reached out to draw her into a hug. “Welcome to my family.”

The three of them went to the baggage claim to get his luggage and even though Calleigh offered to go get the car to meet them near the exit, Alex insisted that he would walk with them to wherever they had parked.

Calleigh drove while Natalia and her father happily chatted and they were soon pulling up to Cristine’s house. Getting out and walking around to the passenger side, she held out her hand to Natalia and was rewarded with a quick kiss. Reaching in, she went to grab the suitcase, but Alex stopped her.

“No, this is mine and I shall carry it. Thank you though.”

Turning they all started walking up the entranceway when the from door flew opened with Eva racing to beat Isabel to her grandfather.


Eva made it into his open arms first as Isabel came to a stop in from of Calleigh, grasped her hand and then tugged her towards her grandpa.”

“Grandpa, Grandpa!”

Hugging his oldest granddaughter, Alex turns to the smaller one. “Yes, my Isabel, what is it?”

“Doesn’t Tia Calleigh look like an angel?”

Smiling up at the young woman who had stolen not only his daughter’s heart, but the hearts of his granddaughters, Alex had to agree. “Yes, my Isabel. She does look like an angel.”

“And she can do flips of the trampoline too.”

Laughing, Alex stood up and walked into the house. “And that is so very important.”

The next couple of hours, Calleigh got to experience what it was like to be part of a true family, not that she didn’t have a sense of family with her own. It was just that in Natalia’s family, there was a fullness and it felt wonderful, then when her own family arrived, that’s when Calleigh felt complete. This is the feeling that she had been searching for her entire adult life.

They all moved out onto the patio where Andre and Calleigh’s brothers took over the grill and Calleigh was in the yard wrestling around with the kids. Alex and Calleigh’s mother, Anna sat off to one side, getting to know each other as Cristine, Anya, Eileen, and Natalia set up the tables and brought out items from the kitchen.

Finally when everything was brought out, Cristine, Eileen, and Anya went over to the grill to talk to the men and Natalia sat down on a chair. She smiled as she watched Calleigh and the kids tumbling around the yard, doing flips and cartwheels. There was a sizzling noise from behind her as Andre turned over one of the steaks and suddenly she got tunnel vision and heard Jethro’s voice coming from behind her.

“Ah, you’ve come back to me. You know I’m never going to leave you.”

In her mind, Natalia screamed, “No!”, but she couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak, her nails dug into the arm of the chair, trying to claw her way free.

“You thought that I would just go away. That you could talk to a shrink and I would just disappear.” Natalia would swear that she felt his breath upon her neck and silent tears began to fall.

“Well, I will always be with you. I am a part of you forever.”

Playing with the kids, Calleigh caught sight of Natalia in the chair and sent Lee over to get Natalia to join them. Turning back to the remaining children, she missed seeing him run up to her wife and then run full speed towards his father.

“Daddy, daddy. Tante Natalia is crying.”

Court looked over at Natalia and yelled. “Calleigh!”, before rushing over to the chair. The rest of the family quickly followed.

At the sound of Court’s voice, Calleigh’s head whipped around and she saw everyone gathering around Natalia and she was on her feet instantly and running towards them.

Natalia knew that she was surrounded by people that loved her, but she couldn’t see them, she couldn’t hear them. The only thing that she was aware of was Jethro standing behind her with the branding iron, ready to sear her name onto another person’s body.

Reaching the crowd, Calleigh shouldered her way through to see tears falling down Natalia’s face and staring straight ahead.

“Court…Chance… please get everyone inside. I’ll take care of her.”

Reassuring Natalia’s family that their sister would take care of everything, the brothers got the kids and adults inside of the house, leaving Calleigh kneeling in front of her love.

Reaching out to touch Natalia’s hand, Calleigh was shock as to how cold it was. Placing her hands on top of Natalia’s, Calleigh rose up so that she could look into her eyes and got scared when she saw how empty they were.

“Talia, sweetheart. Look at me.”

“No!” Natalia’s mind screamed again. Calleigh couldn’t be here. Jethro would love to get his brands on her pure skin.

“Ah, Ms. Duquesne… or should I call her Ms. DuVista? Either way, she’s going to loathe you by the time that I finish with her.”

Gently Calleigh caressed her wife’s face, trying to get a spark of anything behind those eyes. “Come on baby, look at me. Let me see that you’re really looking at me.”

Natalia tightened her jaw and concentrated. Jethro wasn’t here, he was dead. He was not standing behind her with a searing red branding iron with smoky tendrils drifting up. He was not able to get hold of her wife to carry out all of his threats.

Calleigh saw the tensing of the jaw and took that as a good sign. “That’s right darlin. Come back to me. Don’t you forget that you’re Natalia DuVista and no one or anything is gonna stop us.”

“I may not be here in the flesh, but I am here in your mind and I can do more damage here that I could ever do when I was in human form. In here, you’re letting me do anything I want.” Jethro’s voice taunted.

In her mind, Natalia slowly raised her arms from the chair and leaned forward to find that nothing was holding her down so she rose from the chair and turned to face her demon, but all she saw was a reflection of herself. Frowning, she walked forward and her image did also until they each reached out and touched hands.

“What are you?”

“I am your doubts, your fears. I am the remaining emotions from Nick and Jethro. I am here to help you face them.”

Natalia looked at herself puzzled. “Why here? Why right now?”

“Because you are now surrounded by your loved ones, by the people who would do anything for you and you don’t have to go through this alone ever again. You have Calleigh now, she is yours as you are hers, but you still need to face your fears and doubts.”

Pointing behind her, Natalia’s twin showed her Calleigh like she was watching a movie on a huge screen and she heard her wife say. “Come on darlin’. I’m right here waiting on you. I’m not going anywhere.”

The twin let her watch for a moment before changing the scene, this time it was of Natalia sitting alone in a room, staring blankly out a window.

“If you don’t take control right now, this will be you very soon. If you listen to the voices and the nightmares and not to the one that is in your heart, you will lose everything that is important. So what do you want Natalia?”

Standing up straight, Natalia said without hesitation said. “I want a life with Calleigh.”

“Then take it. Make a life with the one who is there with you. Leave the doubts and the fears, the tiny voices that say that you’re not worth it here. Lock them away forever.” She handed Natalia a key and pointed to a door with a small window.

Going over, Natalia looked through the window and saw all of the painful images of her life with Nick and with what happened with Jethro along with dark wisps of doubts and fears. Putting the key in the lock, she turned it with conviction, then took it out and broke it into.

Her twin drifted away while Calleigh’s voice echoed in her ears. “That’s it darlin’. Come back to me.”

With a gasp, Natalia leaned forward and almost fell out of the chair, but Calleigh caught her. “I’ve got you, you’re back”

Looking up, Natalia saw the worry on Calleigh’s face and reached up to smooth it away. “I’m sorry love. I heard something that took me back to Jethro and it was like the other night with you, I just heard something and it set me off. I couldn’t help myself.” Standing, she turned to look at the chair, but it didn’t look anything like the chair that Jethro had used.

She gasped as Calleigh stepped in front of her and sat in the chair. “This is just a chair. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s not Jethro, nor is it Nick. And it’s not Jake or John Hagen. They are our past. We both have to get over what was done to us. I know that there are going to be sounds or situations that are going to remind us, but together, we can get through it.”

Taking Natalia’s hand in hers, Calleigh stood up and stepped close. “As long as we go through things together, that one is always there for the other, we can and will get through anything.” Looking deep into her wife eyes, Calleigh tried to articulate what she wanted to say. “We are the same, but yet different. We want the same things, but we go about it differently. I’m the scientist, I see it as a whole, but you see things as each part and that’s what makes us good. That’s what make us work the way that we do. I love you and that’s all I have to say.”

Reaching up to gently caress her lips against Natalia’s, Calleigh breathed. “Now we get to tell your family everything that we’ve gone through and hope that they don’t hate us for not letting them go through it with us.”

Looking at the worried faces that were peering at them through the sliding glass door, Natalia took a deep breath. “Let’s get them out here and just tell them everything.”

Waving them out, Lee was the first one to run up to Natalia. “I’m sorry that you were crying Tanta Talia. Did you fall down and hurt yourself?”

Reaching down to pick up the little boy, Natalia placed a gentle kiss on his cheek as she looked around at the worried faces of her extended family. “No, I didn’t fall down. I just remembered something that was very bad and it made me scared.”

For the next half hour or so while Chance and Court finished grilling the food, both Natalia and Calleigh filled everyone in on what had happened over the past few months. Cristine and Anya were very upset that Calleigh hadn’t called them when Natalia was in the hospital, but when Natalia told them that it was her call, they eased up a little.

Alex walked over to his daughter and grasped her hands within his. “You must not keep things like this from your family ever again. We can handle anything together, but we can’t handle what you don’t share.” Looking over to Calleigh, his face was stern. “You call us and tell us from now on, yes?”

“Yes, Alex. We will, I promise.”

Nodding his head, Alex considered the subject closed as he kissed his daughter on the cheek, then he rubbed his hands together. “Ok, enough of this. We have a joyous occasion to be celebrating, so let us eat.”

The rest of the evening was spent joking and laughing over stories about both women and by the time that it was over, everyone were pleasantly worn out from laughing. After cleaning up, everyone started to go their own way.

Eva ran up to Natalia and grabbed her hand. “Tia, we are going to ride ponies tomorrow morning. Will you come and watch?”

Kneeling down so that she was eye to eye with her niece, Natalia grinned. “Really! This is your first time right?” The little girl nodded her head. “Well, we wouldn’t want to miss that.”

Standing, she looked over to Cristine. “What time will you be there?”

“Well, we’ve invited everyone so we were thinking around nine. That was they could ride a couple of times before we headed over to the park for the picnic.”

“Ok, we’ll meet you there.”

After hugs and kisses all around, Natalia and Calleigh got into their SUV and headed home. The ride was silent, save some chuckles and quiet remarks about the stories. Pulling into their garage, the sliding door came down and they got out, each carrying some leftover food and headed inside. After putting the food away and making sure that Mallory was taken care of, Calleigh joined Natalia in their bedroom where she was slowly taking off her clothes.

Quietly, she said. “It was a good day all around, don’t you think?”

Sliding out of her slacks, Natalia agreed. “Except for my zoning out, yeah, I think it was.”

Turning to her wife, she grabbed her suddenly and pulled her onto the bed, nuzzling her neck. “Thank you again for my bow. I love it.”

Reaching up to thread her fingers through caramel colored hair, Calleigh whispered back. “And thank you for my gun. It’s it weird that we gave each other something that can be used for target practice on the same day?”

Looking down at her love, she had to agree. “Yeah, it’s that brain cell that we share sometimes. It’s rather spooky.”

They stared at each other for a long while before Natalia broke the silence. “Would you mind us just showering and going to bed. I just want to wrap myself around you and sleep.”

“Darlin’, that sounds like a perfect ending to our day.”

And that’s what they did. Getting up off the bed, they disrobed, showered and crawl into bed and were soon fast asleep.

fandom: csi miami, fic, character: calleigh duquesne, author: sinjenkai, character: natalia boa vista

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