Hey everyone!
So, I can't remember if I ever posted this fic of mine over here to Women in Kevlar. if I have, I apologise! If not ... hope you enjoy it! *grins* This is a work in progress and I have to admit upfront that progress is very slow so please, bear with me! I do have a storyline I'm following and I even have an ending! It's just getting it all written that's going slow! But I promise! It shall be done! ... eventually.
Anyway, here's the link to my journal where I've posted this. Oh, and if you think you've read this before? I did post it way back when to passion_perfect.
Oh, it's a WMC / CSI crossover with Sofia Curtis going to San Fransisco to help out Lindsay Boxer and the gang...
So! On with the fic!
widget007.livejournal.com/30340.html Comments and feedback are welcomed, I'd even say encouraged! *grins*