Downfall of Final Fantasy?

Feb 20, 2011 14:29

Hello again, everyone! I'm the one who posted about sexism in video game media a while back. Thanks again to everyone who responded.

I really enjoy the things people here have to say, so I'm wondering if anyone would like to discuss one of my favorite series, Final Fantasy. This may be an overdone discussion, but I haven't really gotten the chance to talk about it with anyone but my husband, so I'd love to hear other people's opinions. So...

What do you think of recent Final Fantasy games and how they compare to previous ones? Do you like the direction the series is headed?

Note that this is a friendly discussion and not an attempt to say any one FF game is better than another, or to hate on the new games vs. old games or vice versa. I am honestly curious to see what you all think! As for me..

I can't say I'm an "oldschool" gamer by any means, and FFVII was the first game I really ever played. I have not played any of the FFs older than VII so I can't comment on that generation but in my opinion I'm finding the things I enjoyed about VII, VIII and IX (my personal favorite) aren't as prevalent in the more recent games, particularly XII and XIII. I think the idea of exploration and talking to NPCs to find out more about the world and flesh out the story is very important to me, for example, and we didn't get that at all in FFXIII. I also may be one of the few that actually like turn-based battles, so I'm not in favor of the more "real time" systems implemented from X onward (though I did enjoy X quite a lot, I believe X was a transition title in this aspect).

To me, the newer FF games don't seem to be embodying what I came to know and love about the FF series, and after purchasing FFXIII on release without question, I'm not so sure I'm going to take that approach for future FF games. There were aspects of XIII that I did enjoy, I'm not bashing the title overall, but to me a lot of it just doesn't seem what I believe Final Fantasy games to be about. "Downfall" may be an overstatement, but I almost wonder if SquareEnix should rename the franchise, since it seems to be moving in a new direction, Chocobos and obligatory Cid's aside.

Thoughts? As a fan of the series, what do you feel defines the games for you?

Thanks for reading! 

final fantasy series

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