Jun 27, 2011 16:20
I saw a while back all the help everyone on here gave to the person who was having trouble with their DSi and thought I asked here before I give up completely. I have a 3DS. I bought it the week that they came out from Wal-Mart. Everything worked on it great, and my boyfriend loved it so much he bought one. Then one day, I went to show a friend Face Raiders and something weird happened. The camera captured the face just fine. Everything was working great until the actual part where you shoot the tennis balls at the face-monsters. The screen indicated that the face was not in the viewing area so he turned the DS. The camera shows the surroundings just fine, but doesn't seem to register the moving of the camera and you can't get to the point where you actually see the face monster. Then, I went to play Steeldiver and it wouldn't register the movement of my DS so I could dive, etc.
I looked online and saw nothing about this problem (granted I really don't know where exactly to look) and I even have taken to a few different game dealers. I've tried recalibrating the 3D and the cameras. One time afterwards, Face Raiders completely crashed when I tried to play. I haven't tried it with the AR cards, yet. I don't remember if I registered for the warranty with Nintendo, and am afraid that if I send it to them, I'll get a refurbished back (and I hear nothing but horror stories about refurbished electronics). Help me please!
system problems,
nintendo ds