Nov 28, 2004 11:53
Wow... Friday was an intersting day. After having been up 24 hours, then getting about5 hours of sleep, then getting up at 5:30.... I was already tired. But it was worth it to see my friends. I got to meet Tawny, and I haven't seen Joelle and Will in what seems like eons, really. Oh, and Joelle's friend Bryan is really nice, too. But anywho, yeah, so I met them at TLDM, so we could all meet up and go to el Wunderland.
I wanted to leave early, so I drove down in my car, but I wanted someone to come with me because I was afraid I'd get lost. So Will rode in my car with me. I was all hunched up on the steering wheel as he took directions from Joelle (who drives faster than me, as EVERYONE ON EARTH drives faster than me). So we finally get there, and holy moly, we get there before them! YAHOO!
We played lots of game like the hand game, and panic park and a game where I shot a bunch of sharks... Yeah. I shot sharks. Plus I got to catch up with good ol will.
So it got closer to time to leave (I decided to stay cuz I was having a good time) and I told Justin to remind me to chack my tranny fluid before I left. So we leave, and he reminds me. So, since I was going home all the way out to Cattle Ground, and I was parked away from everyone else, I walked with everyone else to their cars, and Joelle and Bryan drove me to mine.
It was so nice of them I felt bad for asking them to wait while I put tranny fluid in, but they did, and Bryan even lent me his flashlight. So I put in only half a quart because I was afraid I'd put too much in (in the dark) and I didn't want to keep them waiting and such.... So I put the dipstick back in and gave Bryan his flashlight and closed the hood of the car. I closed the hood of my car. No. Dammit, the front went down, but the back right corner flew up. The hinge broke. OMG!
"Guys..." I tapped on their window, and showed them what happened. I shut off the engine as we fiddled with the hood (the engine has to be on when you put ATF in your car, just FYI). We tried to force the errant piece of metal under itself, but that bastard was more stubborn than any damn thing. Somehow we forced it down so the front latched, but the one side kinda bounce up about 5 inches or so. So Joelle got the idea to jump on it with her butt, and make it stick that way. So, it worked when she was sitting on it, but as soon as she got off it started bouncing again. The hood didn't seem like it was going to fly off, and I didn't fancy the idea of leaving it there (we kicked around the idea of them giving me a lift home). So I drove about 35 on I-5. Oh the joy. And we mad eit back to TLDM.
That's when Joelle got the best idea of all (she was an idea faerie that night), and got some duct tape. I sat on the hood, and she taped a little bit. Then I got off and she taped a lot more. I called Jamie (I had his cell phone with me. Before I left he said, "Honey, your car scares me. Take my sell phone with you just in case." Weird, no?) and told him where I was and what happened. I don't think he liked the idea of me being near my old neighborhood (yes, I used to live downtown, for those of you who never visited me at my apt), but told me to make sure we taped down the car really well, and to be really careful driving home. Poor guy, he was almost asleep. So she taped it up really well, I hugged everyone good-bye and took a long drive out to Cattle Country.
I got to bed at 1:30, and had to wake up at 5:30.
The politics at work are interesting. Only one person said anything about my car. Yaye for Joelle using duct tape that matches (silver). Lol.
Yeah, that's a memorable night.
So who has a video camera? I either need to go on Pimp my Ride, or buy a new car. Who's with me?!