Nov 07, 2010 22:23

Yes indeed. I'm back everyone, all two or so of my readership. I'm sitting here in my house, on my new laptop, thinking of ways to be surreal for the surrealism project that is due on Thursday when it occurs to me, "Hey, screw being responsible. You can now post to LJ for the first time in forever. Screw your project." And so it goes. I can't stay long, but I want to write about something that has been bothering me for awhile. The album KILL by Electric Six. For the most part, it is terrible: a stain on the tablecloth at a state dinner for the president of france after he saved a bunch of drowning kids from child molesters. There is, however, one shining point on the album, which will keep it on my ipod and force me to listen to the album until it grows on me. The song "Escape from Ohio." Because I hate Ohio, and I love that song. Anyway, enough bullshit. Gotta be responsible.

Actually I'll probably be watching a movie called Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. But I'll still work while it's on.

PS thanks to a certain person for the loan of thier laptop, although it scared me to use it with the myriad of warnings that came with it. My parental units surprised Bran and I with a gift of laptops for an early Christmas present, so I no longer need the loan, but it is still incredibly appreciated. And I'm discovering that the project is taking a shitton longer than I had anticipated initially. That is all bitches. Thank you and good night.

bitches, electric six, laptops, kill

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