Jan 20, 2011 11:52
Dear Live Journal,
Hi, we've not really spoken in a while. Sorry about that. I think I just fallen out of the habit of checking up on you.
Every so often I think about you, and we try again, but it's not the same as it used to be, is it?
Then I decided, one of the things I would do this year is make a real effort to get back in contact.
To check on you every day. Twice a day. Maybe more.
Then I realised that in my absense, you'd changed. You stopped wanting me to see my friends through you.
Instead you had new people to show me. People who paid you money. You made me delay seeing my friends to see these people instead.
You started doing things that made me annoyed.
Now you've made it impossible for me to see you at work. Y'see, the music comes through the same medium I use to see you
When the people who pay you money appear, they are noisy.
Drowns out the music.
So I have to stop.
It's not that I have problem with you making money. You have to work like the rest of us.
It's just the noise created.
Why do they have to be noisy?
So for now dear friend, I can only check you at home.
Char. xx