New Year's Resolutions - Update (2)

Mar 01, 2010 11:11

Giving Up
* Cigarettes - SUCCESS. The hardest and nastiest one to quit, even though I only do it occasionally. But I've been good!
* Tequila Slammers & Flatliners - SUCCESS. No Tequila for the Char.
* 'House' whisky at DSOTL - SUCCESS.
* Any clothes which don't actually fit me anymore/I don't want to wear anymore - SUCCESS. Though there's still more to do.
* Compulsive Cyberdog-gery - SUCCESS. Though I have been SORELY tempted.
* eBay - SUCCESS!
* Living in the past - PARTIAL SUCCESS. I found I don't know how many love letter and ex-related items in my room, and I barely moped once. :)
* Getting up 5 minutes AFTER I need to leave the house for work - FAIL
* Having 'slacking off' days at work -  FAIL: I blame the new coffee machine
* Chilli Heatwave Doritos - PARTIAL SUCCESS

Taking Up
* Some form of exercise (belly dancing :o) - FAIL. BOO.
* Walking home at night - FAIL, but it's getting lighter now, so should be ok
* Charging my phone/mp3 player - FAIL. But this isn't my fault. Where do my chargers go.
* Living in the NOW whilst thinking about TOMORROW - FAIL. I am very much NOW
* Saving a sum of money every month - FAIL (I think)
* Warming up before larp - FAIL
* Taking off my face before I go to bed - MAJOR, ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL FAIL
* Showers at REASONABLE temperatures - HUMUNGOUS FAIL
* Interaction without flirtation !*le gasp*! - FAILIEST FAIL IN THE UNIVERSE : I guess I'm just a flirt.

Well, we're doing better than last month...
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