Today has been a mixed day - some things good, others bad. The bad things:
* Dad was in a bad mood and he is the Boss. I therefore nearly got fired.
* My throat is killing like a killing killy thing (with kills!)
* My skin still hasn't recovered from a weekend piling on the makeup, and my skin is drying up on me.
* I've been tidying my room.
* I have been panicky and on edge, therefore twitchy.
Good things :
* I have the greatest housemate EVAR (
erfalaswen) ! Actually, I have two great housemates, but one has been spectacular today. Well, she's always spectacular, but you know what I mean... She gets bonus love.
* I am wearing my oldest, most unflattering nightie. It's comfy :)
* I found my chequebook so I can pay for the Dragons' Parliament. Yay! (Sammi and I have already worked out a booze list. I hope you all have strong livers)
* We're now selling Bomb cosmetics at work, downstairs in the gifty-bit. They smell lovely and I have staff discount.
* My throat is now feeling better than it was this morning.
* My skin isn't as bad as it could be
* Dad got cheerier at the end of the day.
* I have breadsticks
* I had a really nice dream last night:
I dreamed I was at my parents' house in France, in the garden. It was sunny, the grass was warm and I was wandering through it in a kaftan and no shoes, doing the gardening and picking fruit for a picnic with the *someone* in the house (I'm not sure who it was). Everything was very peaceful, and contented.
Which makes a change from my usual dreams about being a slug trying to go deep sea bathing, etc. I haven't been to my parents house out there since I was... 16? I think. It was nice though, although apparently my greenhouse tunnel thing blew away (boo). When I actually learn to drive, I might go on a mission, as you can't really get there without a car.
On the whole - today is a good day. I am content.