sixth-grade surprise

Jan 15, 2010 18:52

Today's half-day assignment was with a sixth-grade English class* and went surprisingly well. Kids buckled down, did the assigned work, and caused me no problems worth complaining about. This was good, since for some damn reason I couldn't get to sleep last night and doubt if I got more than three hours of sleep. Anyway, it was only half a day/two classes. Since the school finally paid me for my stint in December, I put half a tank of gas into the Sportage, did a little grocery shopping and then came home for lunch. After doing some minimal stuff with internet spaceships and chatting with friends online, though, I'm pretty tired and going to crash early.

Adding to today's general happiness, the weather was really nice today. Sunny and in the 50s, so I turned off the heat for a little while and aired out the apartment. Nice while it lasted.

*Alexandria's schools are organized differently than most systems: elementary schools run from K-5, middle schools are 6-8, high school freshmen are in their own annex to the high school, and T.C. Williams High School has sophomores, juniors and seniors.

weather, teaching

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