The talk stops here

Oct 25, 2004 13:00

I've been stewing about this for a few days, temporarily distracted by Valleycon, but after reading this essay by Jay Rosen and the associated comments I think I've come to a conclusion and a decision based on that conclusion.

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Comments 17

It prolly falls under... lonewulf October 25 2004, 11:01:17 UTC
the same mindset that started the Crusades. Narrow viewpoint, and the "fact" that if you differ in their viewpoint, then there must be something dreadfully wrong with you.....


Re: It prolly falls under... wombat_socho October 25 2004, 11:11:19 UTC
I guess you could look at it that way. It would certainly explain the kind of bad science linked to (and derided) in this post.


qob October 25 2004, 11:13:04 UTC
It's tough I agree. I got burned last week and was not happy with either the reactions I got to a post or my reaction to the reactions. It's tough to be above it all, but I think that's where I have to be.


wombat_socho October 25 2004, 11:21:41 UTC
*nods* Ironic that they're the ones always going around squealing about dissent being suppressed, ain't it?


qob October 25 2004, 11:43:40 UTC
There are several, damn most, fan gatherings I can not speak openly that I admire GWB, especially for his spirituality without ridicule or behind the back snickering


wombat_socho October 25 2004, 11:51:51 UTC
I know what you mean. It's not easy being a Christian in fandom these days.


tokenfanboy October 25 2004, 21:26:21 UTC
It's disappointing that some people can't agree to differ civilly. Granted I can be a bit of a hothead too, but I don't resort to name-calling and personal attacks. I haven't missed those debates since I stopped participating. My mental health is much the better for it. :)

My world won't end if Bush loses. However, if Bush wins and carries Minnesota in the process, I think there are going to be some people on LJ having a mental breakdown of their own.


wombat_socho October 26 2004, 04:43:41 UTC
I'm not going to laugh in their faces, but I'm not going to be too damn sympathetic either.


tokenfanboy October 26 2004, 06:48:07 UTC
Assuming they haven't moved to Canada by the next convention.


wombat_socho October 26 2004, 07:28:46 UTC
That would be CONvergence's problem, not mine.


windelina October 26 2004, 09:59:19 UTC

I walked into a room and got sucker punched here.

I like a "good tussle" as you put it. I prefer objective fact. I have never been insulting to you and you were, in fact, the person I most actively engaged with on the opposite side because I felt I could get a clearer understanding of the viewpoint.

So, what? I refer to a study that has been HUGELY reported and I'm insulting you? It had nothing to do with you.

I wasn't trying to "win" anything with you. I'm a liberal and I won't apologize for it and we will never agree on certain basic things. But I liked you (and I liked that you actually came back with points and references and facts).

Ye,s the problem can be contributed to "discussions" on the internet where there is no tone of voice or facial expression. But if you've found me insulting, you've read something in that wasn't there.

But if you're gonna dismiss me without even actually talking to me?


wombat_socho October 26 2004, 10:10:40 UTC
Maybe I misinterpreted your running that article about the PIPA study in your LJ as signifying approval of it and its conclusions. If that wasn't what you meant then I do indeed owe you an apology and would be glad to extend it in person.

You have never personally insulted me, setting aside the PIPA article for a moment. I was talking about the other LJ'er I referenced, and apologize for the confusion.

Still, I'm done talking to people about politics this year. With occasional exceptions, most people I've talked with on LJ seem to want to play the conversational version of Irish stand-down instead of have a discussion, and I'm not having any of that.


windelina October 26 2004, 10:44:35 UTC
I'm sorry - I'm sleepdepped and cranky and so forgive me for a bit of overreaction there.

I just found the PIPA thing interesting if true.
Now, I've witnessed alot of random people averring all sorts of things that have been proven untrue, but these are random strangers so I enjoy the thought of them being insane.
I don't think you're insane.

I didn't look into the PIPA study or its methodologies, I was posting it for interest. And because I'm a liberal and enjoy the thought that other people who aren't me are clearly WRONG. *grin*

I'm pretty much done with politics for the next week myself also. Number one, I'm in tech week and ain't got the time or energy. Number two, we've reached an impasse and nothing will be changed (no one will be swayed) until it's been decided one way or another.


wombat_socho October 26 2004, 10:53:31 UTC
I found the study suspicious on the face of it - it sounded way too much like the kind of reasoning the Soviets used to put dissidents into psychiatric hospitals, and being conservative, I've seen similar studies before. They never panned out, mainly because they had the kind of sampling defects that a first-year statistics student would have been flunked for trying to use and excuse ( ... )


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