No pension for the proletariat

May 05, 2008 19:00

Well, right in time for the rent payment, the check for the final liquidation of my Wells pension arrived. Wasn't going to be able to afford to collect it when I'm 65 anyway. I took out some cash, prepaid the June rent in addition to this month's, and am thinking about how best to parcel out the remainder to my creditors. Some of it is going off to my former employers to cover my Kaiser premiums under COBRA, but the rest is going to pay off a bunch of people who have been sending a stream of irritable notes to my PO box and leaving moderately hostile messages on my voice mail. I have time; SunTrust has the check on hold for five days. WTF. Anyway, between this, the unemployment situation getting unscrewed, and the current assignment, I'm waiting for something to go wrong in a particularly horrible way.

Tonight, I'm going to take a shot at assembling the bedroom (3-shelf) bookcase, or maybe just go to bed early. I have a long skill set in EVE and am feeling too tired to really want to play internet spaceships tonight.

domestic stuff

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