Shifting priorities

Sep 05, 2007 22:05

I was doing a survey today for one of the companies that uses MyPoints and it occurred to me that despite having a fully functional TV in my room every night since leaving Minnesota, the only TV I've watched was this past weekend when there happened to be a couple of interesting things on the History Channel and Spike TV. Most of my down time on the road was spent sleeping, browsing the internets, or (occasionally) watching the Ai Yori Aoshi box set I picked up before leaving the Gopher State. Whether that was actually a more productive use of my time is an exercise left to the reader.

Tomorrow's pre-work to-do list includes getting a post office box out here in Chantilly and retrieving my boxes from UPS in Alexandria, assuming they haven't thrown them out already. I'm also going to pack lunch - Strayer isn't charging me for chow time, and eating lunch on the road before I get there can get messy and expensive.

I'm also changing my browsing habits...while I've been reading Megan McArdle since 2001, when she was blogging at Live from the WTC (later renamed Asymmetrical Information) I don't think I'll be keeping her blog at the Atlantic on my A-list of blogs I follow daily. For one thing, the Atlantic is paying her to blog about economics, and that's all she's doing. Which is boring*. For another, the commenters at the Atlantic are the worst sort of fever-swamp Democratic Underground moonbats, and I'm just not willing to voluntarily put up with that. Ms. McArdle will be cut to the quick, no doubt. [/sarcasm] Ironic that this should happen after I finally show up in Washington and have a non-zero chance of actually meeting the young lady.

Finally, if you've read Quartered Safe Out Here, any of the Flashman novels, or the monumentally awesome The Pyrates, you MUST read McAuslan Entire, which is the sequel to the first book and tells the tales of Dand McNeill after he gets his commission at the end of World War II and goes from Borderers in the jungles of Burma to the Highlanders in the Libyan desert. Originally published as three separate books (The General Danced at Dawn, McAuslan in the Rough and The Sheikh and the Dustbin) the book is full of win and hilarity. Unlike QSOH, it isn't a novel so much as a collection of stories, most of which revolve around the oddities of life in a Highland regiment and a fair number of which involve the "filthiest soldier in the Regiment," Private McAuslan, who more often than not saves the day in a manner nobody could have possibly seen coming. Really, you need to read this, and don't skip ahead to "The Constipation of O'Brien" or I'll banjo ye, I will.

*If you find economics more exciting than I do, by all means pop on over there, and take a gander at King Bananian's joint while you're at it.

tv, domestic stuff, books

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