Where have all the Mounties gone?

Jan 30, 2006 12:42

Another legend bites the dust, as Macleans reports that these days, the Mounties don't always get their man - and worse yet, can't be arsed to even try in a lot of cases because they're so short-staffed due to the demands of contract policing. Via Newsbeat One through Instapundit.

For this post alone, I wish I had marainsanity's "Brokeback Mountie" icon, although the context here is completely different. I was appalled to read that the RCMP does so much local police work - it would be like the FBI manning patrol cars in International Falls, MN or New Market MD. I thought that stuff went out with Dominion status in the 1950s.

EDIT Updated with special Mountie icon goodness thanks to marainsanity!

the old country

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