Why you should join the N3F

Sep 14, 2015 21:48

The National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F for short) is the oldest fan organization for fantasy, SF and horror fans - but that's not why you should join.

The biggest reason to join the N3F is that it's open and welcoming to all fans of SF & fantasy, no matter how they were introduced to the genre. Did you start out as an anime fan, watching Sailor Moon or Star Blazers or Astro Boy? You're one of us.
Did you cut your teeth on Batman, Iron Man, the Fantastic Four or Superman? You're one of us. How about gaming? Did you play Dungeons and Dragons, HALO, World of Warcraft, Traveller, or Sonic the Hedgehog? You, too, are one of us. Did your interest in the future and its possibilities come from watching Star Trek, Star Wars, The X-Files, or Fringe? Welcome to the club. You might even be old enough to remember a time when science fiction and fantasy were hard to find on TV or at the movies, and you looked forward to finding new books in the library or new issues of Analog, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and Galaxy at the drug store.

We don't think you ought to have to fork out forty or fifty bucks to have a say in what is best in the field - plus travel, hotel, attending membership fees and other expenses. We don't think people should look down on you as a second-class fan because you can't afford these things. We don't think people should look down on you because you're a gamer or an otaku or comics fan or a media fan. Very few of us are interested in just one aspect of fantasy & SF, and we'd like to know what you think is good in the parts of fandom you like to hang out in.

We want you to draw, write, and talk about your passion. We want you to reach out and share that passion, find other people with the same passion, help us all get to know it - and help make fandom bigger and better.

After all, you need to do something between conventions besides work, right? ;)

Join the N3F today!
At just $6 for a year's electronic membership, how can you afford not to?


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