Wasn't expecting this.

Jan 26, 2015 22:41

Courtesy of harvey_rrit, it is a meme!
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harvey_rrit January 27 2015, 16:46:22 UTC
01. Matthew Joseph Harrington.
02. Until the 8th, I'm 54.
03. Male if you mean me, female if you're asking what I like.
04. Moonrise Kingdom.
05. All I Ever Wanted Was To Be With You, by Santana.
06. Combustible Edison. (I'm complex.)
07. Dirty now, clean later today, unless I misunderstand the question. Dirty mind pretty much permanently.
08. Never could choose a permanent billboard to wear, and circumcision is quite sufficient body alteration, thank you.
09. I dunno. I don't know five percent of the names of people I recognize at SF/Fantasy cons.
10. You get what you pay for; get paid yourself.
11. George Carlin said the glass is twice as big as it needs to be; I say it's the glass that I haven't seen since the last time I let someone visit my house. More seriously, it depends who had the glass last. Some people are fillers, some are emptiers.
Bottles, on the other hand, are things that tend to be filled only by a very few people, while almost everyone empties them. The balance of probability is half-empty.
This principle especially applies to countries deep in economic misery, which is how I first heard the question applied.
12. Depends if you'd been really mean to me recently.
It's a form of lying, which is a severe strain on me. On the other hand, I was brought up in an environment of "constructive criticism", which seemed to mean smug malignant candor. The gripping hand is, you don't seem to be stupid, and can probably decide for yourself whether or not to act on information.
13. Visiting the alternate Earth where the U.S. Constitution is still in force.
14. I gave President Pournelle my copy of The Mote In God's Eye.
More seriously, I've reached the point in life where I've pretty much given up doing stuff that makes me feel guilty, or feeling guilty about harmless stuff I do.
15. I am a judge of character.
16. 1 ) Any human spermatozoon containing a gene for a hereditary disease is to be formed without a tail henceforth;
2 ) Every virus capable of infecting a human being, a cat, or both is to be reduced to amino acids and nucleotides at once;
3 ) Everybody who says people should live a certain way is to have experiences that leave the persons who made that decision for the rest of the world living that way themselves for the rest of their lives. (And I say, people should live in a condition of prosperous technological comfort and have SF/Fantasy conventions held in their convenient travel radius once a month.)
17. It probably is possible; I'd like to if it becomes feasible.
18. JNAIT: the Joint Negotiating Alliance of Indian Tribes.
19. Fibromyalgia, or more accurately doctors who think they know a goddamn thing about it.
20. It remains my working hypothesis.
21. Actually I was a goddamn wizard at anything that was graded on what you know instead of what makework activities you performed... so, none in public school, and everything in college.
22. Um, well, if I don't shave for a long time I notice everything starts to smell like butter.
23. I would improve your health.
24. Underwear.
25. Is bathrobe a choice? Otherwise trousers.
26. Yes please, if you have pekoe and patches.
27. I would write down every goddamn word you thought was important to remember.
28. Done and done.


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