Take a cold shower, but the water's boiling hot...

Dec 17, 2014 22:45

Today was a bit frustrating as I'd hoped to get some training in at Manchester Lakes, but that's been rescheduled to Friday and Monday mornings; apparently passing the exams is not good enough, and I actually have to have my butt in a seat in front of an instructor. At least I got pointed to a WBT that may help with the damned Casualties & Thefts section of the Tax Advisor I certification exam. We'll see how that goes. Then it was off to Foxchase, where I did 90% of the work on the minister's return. She's going to be pissed that it cost over $500, but you can't please everyone. Discovered when I got home that I'd left my training passport at the office, so I guess I'll have to go back there tomorrow as well, probably after my appointment at the VA.

Plugged in the Actitouch compression stockings last night but they didn't appear to have charged up. Going to try again tonight and see what happens; in the meantime, I have plenty of bandages. Will mention this to Doc Laredo, or whatever student doc I get, tomorrow at the clinic.

So, tomorrow's to-do list: chikuns, VA, Foxchase. For now, a snooze before blogging.

work, medical stuff

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