Busy, busy Tuesday

Aug 21, 2012 08:02

Yesterday was largely spent mired in fatigue and ennui, but at least I got the letter for the financial aid appeal done and will head over to the Alexandria campus to see counselors and submit the paperwork for what I am sure will only be the first time. I looked briefly at the classes available for this fall but since the loans are on hold didn't bother applying to any since they'd just be auto-rejected anyway.

I also have an appointment with a social media consultant this afternoon at the Alexandria SBDC. I'm sure he'll have a lot to say about the Foxchase Accounting web site and Facebook page. Am halfway thinking of asking him not to give me advice on Twitter since I use it so seldom and rarely for anything not political or fandom-related. More the former than the latter, to be truthful.

Finished Clockwork Angels yesterday. It's an odd little book, much less Randian than I would have thought it would be. Anderson does a very good job of spinning a bildungsroman out of Rush's latest album without making it seem like a disconnected string of songfics, and while some of the characters may be not much more than thick cardboard, at least there is something more to them than a bare description and a few lines of dialogue. This may sound odd, but I think this wouldn't be a bad YA novel; there's a good philosophical argument in there about avoiding extremes and going off to tend to your own affairs, but you're not being beaten over the head with it. I liked it and would recommend it, especially for the younger folks.

Nationals beat the Braves last night in extra innings, extending their lead in the NL East to six games. Too early to start talking about magic numbers, I know.
My fantasy team is clinging to third place; lost to the first-place team last week and am already trailing the second-place team this week.
I've been talked into joining a fantasy football league, but I'm going to let the robot draft for me (after excluding all the Cowboys and Michael Vick) since I don't pay a lot of attention to the NFL.

games, work, books, baseball, school

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