the heat is on

Jan 09, 2012 23:23

Not actually a reference to this essay by James Lileks on the awesomeness of Miami Vice, because for one thing, the song is actually from the soundtrack of Beverly Hills Cop. But you should go read that anyway. (h/t Instapundit)

Attended my first class in the Becker CPA exam prep series tonight, and one thing is clear from the get-go: I am going to be working harder on this than anything else I can remember working on since Monterey. Let's be honest: most of my smarts and God-given talent lie in the area of reading and writing, and anything outside that requires a sustained level of hard work that I'm not really used to. Well, I don't have much of a choice now. I am down to the wire. I have to finish off the two remaining classes on my spring schedule, Business Law and Intermediate Accounting II, get through the four segments of the Becker program, and kill the CPA exam dead at the end of April. In the meantime, I may have time for some work in the tax mines, but the priority has to be the Becker course. Between the homework and the classes, I am liable for about 80 hours of work every week that I have two classes going -as I will until early February, then from late February into early March.

That won't leave a lot of time for PRSFS, wasting time on Facebook, Civicrack, or much of anything else besides trying not to get sick and die. We'll see how it all works out.


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