An end to subbing

Sep 08, 2011 07:24

Another change this semester is that I'm not going back to ACPS as a substitute. I really need to buckle down and concentrate on my studies as I get closer to tax season and the CPA exam next spring, and it would be difficult to take assignments anyway, given that I have morning classes four days a week. Also, I need to face that fact that I've been clinging to the substitute teaching gig as a fallback in case the accounting path doesn't work out, and that's just dumb. With the continuing changes in the way financial aid works, and the constant stream of kids coming out of ed schools, there's no way I can reboot my abortive teaching career - and even if I did, would I really want to deal with kids in the ACPS system? Yes, most of the kids in the system are decent kids who don't cause problems, but the Pareto principle applies in schools just like anywhere else, and the 20% who do cause problems would be the death of me. So, no more teaching.

This is also the point at which the fall semester shifts into high gear. I have statistics this morning and advanced accounting tonight, and Monday I have a "normal" week with marketing in the morning, law at night, two relatively slack days with just the statistics and marketing classes in the morning, and then stats and accounting again next Thursday. I am still picking away at the Intermediate Accounting online course and expect to wrap it up by the deadline. So I'm going to be pretty busy, and most likely won't have much time for socializing until the weekends.

I notice that there are still a lot of TouchPads on the market, and I am still very tempted. Even though the asking price on most of them is twice what HP's firesale price is, since you can't get any from HP right now, the firesale price is pretty much irrelevant. The question, of course, is whether HP is going to do the sensible thing and bring the TouchPad back to the market at the lower (market) price or whether they're going to be idiots and bury the technology, which they show every sign of doing.

Well, time to clean up and head out.

tech stuff, teaching, school

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