The Revolution As It Collapses

Feb 03, 2011 12:31

American Thinker: The Story of the Egyptian Revolution:One week ago, Egypt was a stable authoritarian regime, prospects of change were minimal and every expert in Washington would have betted on the endurance of its regime. Today, Egypt is in a state of chaos. The regime, even after using its mightiest sword is not able to control the country and the streets of Egypt are in a state of utter lawlessness. As the world stands in awe, confusion, and worry at the unfolding events, perhaps it is important to write the evolving story that is happening in Egypt before any reflections can be made on them.

RTWT. Interesting that in some ways Egypt resembles the PRC more than it does the United States or Israel, but I suppose that's a natural development of socialist government where the military and the secret police ARE the party instead of the three factions being in an unsteady equipoise as they usually are in Communist regimes.

foreign policy wonkery

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