That was the year that was

Jan 01, 2011 15:00

Warning: this post contains a buttload of self-referential linkagery.

In January, I finally finished the 21 books list, did a fandoms recap, and a Year In Review post sans linkagery. There was also a post which was mostly about Goonfleet's epic sovreignty fail and collapse in Delve but whose comments derailed into an argument about teacher pay.

February was a hell of a month. It started with Snowpocalypse, which coincided with a leg infection, which eventually got serious enough to put me in the VA Medical Center for ten days. That inspired a bunch of my friends and family to administer a much-needed boot to the head.

March started with some non-emo introspection and tentative plans, most of which I followed through or am following through on. I was also reminded that forgiveness, not just indifference, is required; on a related topic, I discovered that I don't know enough Spanish to grok the Spanish Mass. :( On a happier note, I finally shed the vacuum dressing I'd been lugging around since leaving the VA, started a fantasy league, and got a pep talk from digex.

April saw the worst Good Friday Mass EVER, the end of tax season, an amusing introduction of my daughter to an old high school friend (who didn't realize she was my daughter), and some comments from folks on AD 2010, which I missed on account of cash flow issues.

May started with digex and I seeing Kick-Ass at the Uptown, continued with shameless capitalism and Pudge, and the start of the summer semester, an an unpleasant middle school sub assignment, and ended with a link to the Public Humiliation Diet. There were also some popular posts on Catholic schools, the annotated version of the HRMP, and isnobbery.

In June, the sunglasses I'd lost the previous summer in Ocean City came back, the Elders of Zion retired, I invited the Loyal Readers to visit the worst place on the internet, and Senator Robert "Sheets" Byrd finally died. Popular posts included one on Geek Social Fallacies and another at the end of the month on Convergence coming down hard on the ghosting problem.

July marked the early death of my baseball blog, a trip to Hagerstown with Carlos to see the Suns and some fireworks, and nothing else exciting, really, as I passed the first tax class and continued to grind on through the summer semester. Much excitement was generated by a a post on some Convergence staffers forgetting their roots.

August actually started with a.f.u. no Breakfast, but I seem to have not posted about it. :( On LJ, the month started ( a rant about the new Federal nutrition guidelines, continued with a miraculous save in my second tax principles class, and a rant on the atomic bombing of Japan. Around mid-month, I went off insulin, went up to Hagerstown for another Suns game (this time with the Dunhams), and went down to the Bull Run battlefield for a walk in the sun. Big comment magnet for the month was post on Powerpoint and the Army; the month ended with the death of Avalon Hill founder Charles Roberts.

September began with some nostalgia for the Minnesota State Fair and a visit to Epiphany of Our Lord, a Ruthenian Catholic Church that's closer than Holy Trinity but not as good for me. cutelildrow turned me on to The Six-Minute History of the USSR, which happened right before Fidel admitted that the Revolution was a failure. I did a rant around mid-month about my fellow Cost Accounting students, which promptly got derailed into a discussion of fantasy & SF, kept thinking about spending more time at NoVa with Cowzilla (but never actually got into the habit of doing it), and set off quite an argument about Mexican nationalism/irredentism.

I started October by going to see Jason & The Scorchers with Stacie Collins at the Iota Club, which was five kinds of awesome. Then, I took belated responsibility for America's fat epidemic, turned 51, and visited therevdrnye in the hospital. Much excitement was generated by a post on sermons at a marriage, but that was about it for the month. I also started to realize that I might have let too much time go by before doing serious work on my online classes. Ended the month by forgiving the Rangers.

November began with election-related happiness, but quickly turned bad as therevdrnye took a turn for the worse. There was also a riff on ursulav's post about "realistic" steampunk, a trip to the Taylor place, and nothing of great significance until Thanksgiving, which I spent at the Taylors' since P was off at a nodermeet in Indiana.

I spent December broke and in mourning for therevdrnye. His funeral and reception were very well attended. I blew the tax prep course final, but passed the Tax Knowledge Assessment, which qualified me to do taxes in the upcoming tax season. Wrapping up the year, P gave me a Kindle as a late solstice/early Christmas present.

2010 in review

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