Nice to see I'm not the only Latino that wants these pro-Aztlan jerks to STFU

Dec 24, 2010 15:47

Patriotic Hispanics Missed a Golden Opportunity During the Dream Act Debate | The Americano:The whole reason the Dream Act is necessary is because over the last four or so decades American politicians have not earned their tax-payer funded salaries when it comes to border enforcement. Now, our nation is starting to deal with the sticky and often heart-wrenching consequences of their dereliction of duty. Does anyone believe for one moment that a nation of laws can ignore those laws for so long without consequence? So we’re now seeing the problems that we conservatives warned would come as a result. And here come the liberals with “Band-Aid” laws to treat the symptoms, all the while ignoring the disease. The Dream Act is one such law.

RTWT. This guy, as Mickey Kaus says, gets it. I'm in favor of fixing the immigration situation, but passing one amnesty after another isn't going to do it. What I really want to see is something like the Canadian system, which is biased toward high-skilled English-speakers, but until we purge some more of these race-baiting assholes from the body politic I don't see that happening.

foreign policy wonkery, culture & politics

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