coffee test drive

Nov 24, 2010 10:28

Last night I got my monthly shipment of coffee from Boca Java, which contained something different from the usual Mocha Java/Guatemalan [insert horrible Gral. Rios-Montt joke here] combination. This month I'd ordered their Brew of Bravery and their Atomic Joe; the former is a blend of various coffees whose main attraction was that some of the proceeds are donated to MWR funds or Soldiers' Angels or something, while the latter is Boca's equivalent of Dunkin' Donuts' Turbo blend.

Based on a very limited one-cup sample, I think I like the Atomic Joe better. The Brew of Bravery definitely reminds me of the tread juice found in percolators and coffee machines from Monterey to Berlin, which is not necessarily a good thing. It is strong and a little too acidic for my liking, probably caused by the Kenyan and Columbian beans in the mix. The Atomic Joe, on the other hand, is a nice medium blend without the acidity one might expect from the extra caffeine. It also tastes a little better than the DD Turbo, and seems to have a bit more kick to it, as well.


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