Jeff Jarvis rips "The Social Network"

Sep 29, 2010 18:26

The antisocial movie « BuzzMachine:The Social Network is the anti-geek movie. It is the story that those who resist the change society is undergoing want to see. It says the internet is not a revolution but only the creation of a few odd, machine-men, the boys we didn’t like in college. The Social Network is the revenge on the revenge of the nerds.

I know my risk here. I’m putting myself again in the position of defending the internet, just as David Kirkpatrick is making himself Facebook’s apologist. Maybe we’re both hypnotized by the Zuckerberg charisma Sorkin cannot see. Maybe we’ve been hanging out with business people so long we cannot see the Greek tragedy in it. Maybe. Though if all you want is a tale of hard-nosed business leading to human drama among geeks, you could film the story of Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, or-coming soon to a theater near you-Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

The really telling line, for my money:
For The Social Network, geeks and entrepreneurs are as mysterious and frightening as witches. Its writer, Aaron Sorkin, admits as much in New York Magazine. “He says unapologetically that he knows almost nothing about the 2010 iteration of Facebook, adding that his interest in computer-aided communication goes only as far as emailing his friends.” Sorkin himself says, “I don’t want my fidelity to be to the truth; I want it to be to storytelling.” Making shit up.

That's actually a pretty good summary of Sorkin's career. Making shit up about people he doesn't know from Adam's off ox. Sucking up to the ones he knows and likes. And people wondered why I didn't want to waste my time watching The West Wing? YGBSM.

culture w/o politics, tech stuff, movies

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