Aug 17, 2010 22:55
Finally finished the second unit in ACC212; going to try and get the third unit done later this week and (if at all possible) the last unit before classes start next week. I wanted to kick myself after finishing the unit; it's mostly about financial reports and various ratios used to estimate the health of a company, none of which are unfamiliar to me, and I really shouldn't have put it off so long.
Blood sugar and weight seem to be dropping off again, most likely because for the last few days I've been keeping the calories under 3000 and the (net) carbs under 50. I'm also trying the Greek yogurt again, this time not from Yoplait but from FAGE and Chobani. FAGE has a 2% lowfat yogurt with a lot more protein and way fewer carbs than the Yoplait version (WTF is the high fructose corn syrup in there for?) while the Chobani is nonfat but also has the higher protein. Looking forward to ordering some liquid sucralose (Splenda) so I can do some interesting high-fat/low-carb things with cream cheese, heavy cream, and maybe peanut butter, if I can find any peanut butter around here that isn't loaded with sugar and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
I rewarded myself for finishing the second accounting unit by installing and playing some Bioshock. Couldn't play much of it; I don't do well with first-person shooters on the PC, and this game is no exception. The motion sickness gets aggravated by the fantastic art; the map is so detailed, it makes me wish there was a mode where you could just walk around Rapture as a tourist.
Last and almost certainly least, I've risen (if that's the word) to head of the nascent EW special interest group in Goonfleet. We haven't really had the opportunity to do much besides tag along on strategic ops, practice doing separate warpins, and make nuisances of ourselves by jamming friendlies, but it's good training. Something interesting may yet come of this.