Jun 09, 2006 09:20
To congressmen,
I am appalled at your passing the COPE act trough the house, clearly demonstrating congess's ability to be bought off by corporate interests. As the major official body closest to the individual constituents, I would have hoped that the best interests of the consumers and constituents would have been your foremost concern instead of licensing extortion, favoratism and protection schemes.
To senators,
This bill, soon to come to your office, must be turned down. You are in office representing the will of the people, and to make educated decisions on their behalf when they are either uninformed or unable to make decisions on their own. This bill only benefits those with enough money to pay for the privilege of being in favor with internet gatekeepers, harming the rest of us, even the uninformed and unable. Having heard, probably violently by now, protests of people, citizens, who are almost unilaterally voicing their opinions against this bill, it is your duty to turn this bill down.