Part 2.5

Oct 29, 2008 20:46


Really quick, but seriouisly this time....i'm wrong. Again.

Not so much wrong...but just didn't properly explain it.

I worship two gods. The mother and "god". The first two pillars of my "mic-o-say" thing. The mother being the physical universe. It is what i come from. The second being the cultural forces that have shaped my soul. And for that "god", i worship the widely accepted opposite. I'm not a fan of that "God". he's an asshole.

But this is off point.

The point was that my rational mind ruled in the existance of "GOD". But it's not the traditional one. The point is that....I don't exist. You don't exist. Even the physical universe doesn't really exist. What exists is all of us at once. That time and space and all of the manifistations of reality does not matter. That somewhere in the 10th or 11th string dimention....the only thing left is energy. And we have no fucking clue what the essence of the atom is yet. We're working on it....but until we figure out what gives things MASS.....we know only a small slice of the pie.

And what is important as far as 'myself' goes is the action of giving something meaning and value. the action of bringing something into existance. This is the most important thing for me.

And i'm epicly failing at it. is more than just being rational or even emotional. It's a kind of intelligence test. But not just in logic. In being itself. I'd like to end with a quote from Mark Twain which is insightful:

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live".

I love my illusions. Sadly i parted with many of them to seek the truth. Now i want back. and am able to...but not like i used to. It has to be willed and well done now.


Just had to say that. That and SUCCESS ON ARRACKAS!!!!! Soon i'll make a visit to the space guild...

The Spice Extends Life
The Spice Expands Conciousness
The Spice Is Vital to Space Travel.

The Spice MUST FLOW!
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