Jan 08, 2009 00:41
So, I decided I'm going to sit in on German 102 this semester at UM since the WCC class turned out to be a waste of money and time. My prof. seems like an ok guy and I understood everything he said today, which is good, but I seem to be cursed with really annoying people in my language classes. I think there's got to be at least one of these people in every language class.
This chick was wearing giant music note earrings with a shirt on that read "music major." She sat right in the front and center of the class and made little comments about everything that anybody said (even the prof.). Just annoying little comments whilst bobbing her head back and forth like a bobble-head doll. And when the prof. asked the class a question, she shot her hand straight up and waved it about. STUPID!
I think the best part of the day was when the prof. said to her, "and your name is what?" Heh.
Jamie (my boss) has a theory. He thinks that people like that are brought up to think they are the smartest and most talented people in the world, just like those people who go on American Idol and CAN'T sing but don't realize it. Sad really.
Otherwise, I think I will learn a lot and I get to see Hartmut's cool little movies again, yay!