(no subject)

Jan 31, 2005 02:03

Even if I don't speak to you often,

*You must post a memory of me.

*It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad,

*Just so long as it happened

hey, how u all doin? i kinna just wanted to put this bad boy memory thingto the test. to be honest i dont think any1 really had any memories of me! PROVE ME WRONG PLEEZ!!
anyhoo, feelin extremely shite.my grandma died on friday nite, im so upset. i loved her very much, my mummys mum. lost them both now, not a fun time 4 moi. also,throat infection =antibiotics = no alcohol = shit. so i cant even drown my bloomin sorrows. shit shit shit!!but im tellin u, the second i take that last pill, im goin out 4 the booze up of a lifetime! whos with me?
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