New Supernatural Fanfiction Awards on

Oct 26, 2015 23:11

Nominations are now open for the Supernatural Fanfiction Monthly Awards for the month of November 2015. The awards are the brainchild of BlackIceWitch, who has recruited a number of avid fanfiction writers and readers as judges. I am one of those judges.

Check out the forums, where you can nominate your favorite drabbles/vignettes, short stories and novellas/novels, in a wide range of genres. Subcategories include: Action/Adventure (basically casefics), Drama/Angst, Comedy,  Canon (stories that follow/explain canon events), Canon AU (follows canon to a point until something has changed that veers off into AU), Complete AU, and Romance of several forms, including Slash.

Anyone can nominate a story, and judging per category will occur once at least two stories are nominated. The story must be complete, and it must be published on Nominations close on November 15th, and the awards will be announced by December 1st, whereon the whole cycle starts anew for the month of December.

As someone who supports the development of good fanfiction writers, I'm excited to see these awards happening. So I urge all of you -- and I know many of you post both on and on LJ - to participate and let us know what stories you consider "above the cut" - examples of good writing in Supernatural fandom.

To Nominate Stories: Visit the Forums:

If you are interested in becoming a judge- pm BlackIceWitch ( on

And as always, write on!

Woman of Letters

awards, fanfiction, supernatural

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