Fan Fiction Original Character Reviews Now on Positively SPN

May 21, 2013 00:11

I've often heard people complain that they hate fan fiction stories with original characters. My theory is that they're reading poorly written stories, or stories about original characters that are not well-developed. So as a service to people who enjoy good writing, and in order to build a list of well-developed original characters in Supernatural fan fiction, I've decided to give you a series of reviews, focusing not on a specific story but on the character itself.

This series will be exclusive to the community that raloria and I co-manage, Positively SPN.

The first two OC reviews are up.

Fan Fiction Review: Original Character: Ren

Fan Fiction Review: Original Character: Kat

I will let you all know when new reviews have been posted. Please, do come and read what I've already posted, and all the other fun things that are going on over at Positively SPN.

reviews, fan fiction, supernatural, original characters, fanfiction reviews

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