Come Up To The Lab, and See What's On The Slab...

Nov 03, 2010 21:47

Haven't written in a while, so I'll recap the latest 2 Glee episodes
The duets episode was good.  We also have some more screen time from newcomer Chord Overstreet.  He's good.  I also got a big kick out of Kurt singing Le Jazz Hot because I haven't seen all of Victor/Victoria, but I do remember that song, and he did a great job!

The Rocky Horror episode also was nice, although not as epic as I thought it would be.  But I did get a good nostalgic feel for it.  I am however rather upset about all the scrutiny about this one. 
First off, GLAAD is upset about Mike Chang using the word tranny in a "throwaway" manner.  They actually seem to equate that word as something really offensive like the N word or the British cigarette.  But I thought nothing of it.  I also read that there are transvestites that call each other trannies in casual manner without worry.  It's called self-deprecation, and it's a sign of confidence.  I think that the GLAAD people need a serious addition of a sense of humor and self-confidence, because the context was not meant to be derogatory or humorous at all.

Also, lots of die hards are upset that Amber Riley took the Frank N Furter role.  I thought she sang Sweet Transvestite with a lot of sass, even with the change from "transexual Translyvania" to "sensational Translyvania," which seems to irk some people too.  Come on, it's just a few words!  They also think that making Frank a woman "de-gays" it and makes it too PC.

Oh my God.  I would like to know if these so-called fans have actually BEEN to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror.  I have a few friends that are part of Rhode Island's RKO Army.  I can tell you from 2 showings and several Youtube searches that the shadowcasts do not give a shit about genders for the parts at all!  I can't count how many female Franks or Rockys I have seen on Youtube.  I just went to a showing last week where there was a female Brad!  Sometimes there are male Janets.  I think a lot of the Rocky Horror "fans" complaining about this just watch it in their room.   Or they just forget.

Sure, the episode did have some flaws.  Perhaps Will's scheme was rather crazy, but it's not Jersey Shore or I Love Money.  It's never been a reality show.  I actually think some of the lines will be some great fodder for future midnight showings.  Last week I heard someone shout out "Give me some chocolate or I will cut you" at the Rocky Horror viewing.  This is not going to stop me from watching Glee.  Unlike some people, I can live with the sanitization.  It is Fox, after all.  It's not the cast's or writer's fault.  I am interested to see Gwenyeth Paltrow soon.

Oh, I forgot to mention.  John Stamos once again is hot.  And he can sing!  Who knew?  He's no Meat Loaf, but he gave one heck of a Hot Patootie!
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