May 29, 2009 08:45
What bothers me about Christianity is the fact that most of its followers don't seem to actually follow what Jesus said. He said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". He spoke way more about helping the poor than about taking rights away from gay people. So many of these people who are fighting gay marriage are spending a lot of money and time and effort on this issue. Would Jesus do that? I don't think he would. Abortion I can understand. If you really believe life starts at conception (which is scientifically questionable, but whatever) and you belive it is murder, I can understand wanting to fight it and thinking it is something worth your time and effort. But fighting gay marriage? I mean, OK, fine, there are a few places in the bible that sort of say somewhat unpositive things about being gay, but it's not exactly black and white. The fact that Jesus wanted to fight poverty is. So, put your efforts into that. If you put your efforts towards fighting poverty, you can actually help people and bring more happiness to the world. If you fight gay marriage you are making people sad and taking away their right to happiness. I think it demonstrates a very sad and sick personality to read the New Testement and get out of it that Jesus wants you to put all your efforts into keeping gay people from getting married. What is wrong with you, if that is what you choose to get out of the bible? Sick sick bastards.