Faith Post "The Gift"

Jun 09, 2006 22:15

RL has been hell this week. I hope to get back in the swing of things on Sunday. After what I hope is a final meeting.

Anyway, I just want to post some thoughts on Faith post "The Gift".

After Buffy died in "The Gift", why did no-one think to bring Faith back as the current active slayer. After all is was established that Buffy was outside the line since "Prophecy Girl", and Kendra then Faith were activated.

First of all the Scoobies may not even have thought of her. They seemed content to use the Buffybot as a replacement. It may be understandable, clinging to the loved one after they are gone, and using whatever is needed to keep the memory alive.

They never gave much thought to Faith, and even if they did, it was doubtful if they would trust her. It was in season six that they tapped into their own dark sides. At this point maybe they could not relate to Faith and her actions in season three and four.

I doubt the Watchers Council would even be aware of Buffy's death. They may have been fooled by the Buffybot, and it is doubtful if anyone in Sunnydale would have given them a report.

They may even have tried to terminate Faith, therefore activate a new slayer and gain control.

The AI team are harder to understand. Angel himself may have been so effected by Buffy's death that he would have forgot about Faith, even though he was the one visiting her in prison, and should have understood her attempts as redemption. After all he is actively seeking redemption in fighting Evil, should he not offer Faith the same opportunities?

The others in the AI team? Well Gunn, Lorne and Fred would likely know nothing about Faith. Cordelia may not even think about her at all.

This leaves Wesley. He was willing to spring Faith in season four of Angel, to capture Angelus and re-ensoul him. So why not now for the greater good of the world?

Perhaps Wesley had not traveled far enough down his own flawed path as seen in season three and four, and still thought that human Faith deserved to serve human standards. When she broke the golden rule not to kill, should be in prison for her crimes.

Just some thoughts on the theme.


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