jaded_jamie brutally and without remorse, despite the fact that I did it not that long ago, tagged me for this. I'm doing it because I love him, but also I'm never forgiving him either. Just kidding
If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own lj and replace any question that you dislike with a new question. Tag 10 people. Don't tag who tagged you.
There are 14 questions this time. And just to be bloody minded (cos I am), I'm going to CHANGE EVERY QUESTION. It may have a slight fandom bias.
1. Favourite fictional character of all time
Spike, it just has to be. So many interesting traints to a charcter who could've been so one dimensional. Excellent.
2. First programme you couldn't miss
The Man From Uncle. I loved it, and even bought the tie in books, and watched the spin-off The Girl From Uncle, even though it wasn't very good.
3. First Female fictional character as a role model
Had to be Emma Peel from The Avengers. She was totally kick arse.
4. A fictional character you fancied who no-one might suspect.
From my fathers westerns, The Yesble Kid. Wow did I have a monumental lust for him.
5. Chracter from them all you would consider the best husband material.
Doyle from The Professionals. *nods in agreement with self*
6. Character you would adopt as your son.
Sam. Just take him home and take care of him.
7. Actor you think you would get on best with in RL
Jensen, I just think we could both find a quiet corner and have an interesting chat together. I suspect he is closest in personality in RL to myself. I just don't fancy him.
6. Character you would get on best with
Joyce, I could see us chatting for hours, and I think she would be interesting to listen to.
7. Fictional character you would like to be for a day
Parker. I think it would be fun.
8. Favourite film as a child
Snow White, it just blew my mind as a child. Really beautiful.
9. Character you would like as a best friend
Ummmm! Ellen, she would be a great friend, and kick arse as well.
10. Character you would most like to help you out in a tight spot.
Eliot, and I would love to 'reward' him as well.
I guess I should so some personal ones......*sigh*
11. Greatest achivement.
Accepting myself as I am, imprefections an all.
12. Something you wish you could do right now
Not be so tired and be able to cross some things off my To Do List.
13. A day dream you have
I wish I had enough money to be able to help my flist when I read something that makes me sad that has happened to them, and I want to give them something to help.
14. Something you wish right now
I wish I wasn't so tired which is leaving me in a slightly bad mood (in fact a BAD MOOD) this weekend. *sigh*
I don't care what it says, I'm not tagging anyone. Anyway I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to change every single question either. Hey I'm a pretty pathetic rebel.