Reflecting on where I am in fandom.

Jan 09, 2010 11:24

Well, I'm kind of on the sidelines.

Buffy!Verse. The comics have killed it for me. I love it again when I watch my DVD's with Ronnie, Spike is still my favourite character, and JM is still my favourite actor, but the comics have destoryed the characters for me. I kind of wish Joss had left well enough alone, and stayed with the TV series.

Doctor Who and Torchwood. In the same boat with both of them, waiting to see what will happen next. Not thinking of leaving either of them, just playing a waiting game to see where they are going.

Supernatural I feel it is kind of winding down in a way. Yes I think it is building up to an exciting climax, but it feels like it is nearing an end.

Leverage Love it dearly, but not a programme to get overly fannish about, and, coming from such big fandoms, the lovely people involved in the fandom are not as active.

So I guess I'm looking for a new fandom. I consider Being Human a contender, but after that, nothing. Any recs? I don't want something that has been going on forever, I tired Heroes season one was ok, but I wasn't interested after that. So something reasonably new that will not take me too long to catch up with.


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