Ok, so RTD keeps saying how much he admires Joss Whedon. Has he learned anything from him at all? Let us look at one scernio "Willow's reaction to Tara's death Vs Jack's reaction to Ianto's death", and I think we will see that RTD is a big FAIL!
When Tara died in Willow's arms we had a loving relationship that lasted 3 seasons, with 22 episodes, we knew so much about what they had been through together. We knew they loved each other, we felt Willow's pain as she decended into darkness, we understood the need for revenge, and the total emptiness of her situation that she would take the actions she did. We might not agree with them, but we felt for Willow in her pain at losing a loved one who meant so much to her, her soulmate.
With Jack and Ianto, when Ianto dies in Jack's arms, we do not have this rich background. We did have three seasons, but only two of 13 episodes and one of 5. There was not the time to cover the ground of the relationship. In Season one, they basically fucked each other, maybe they had fun doing it, but their hearts belonged eleswhere. In Season Two, mainly in KKBB, Jack looks like he is saying he came back for Ianto, and asks him for a date, but there is no indication of love, it is almost as if they are convenient for each other, they know each others past, and understand it and Torchwood. There was no real development in Season Three either, just a discussion that people see them as a couple, which Jack is light hearted about, then a BIG DEATH SCENE.....There is no way I saw this as an expliantion as to why Jack choose to kill his Grandson because of what happened to Ianto, in my mind it was not Ianto that was the driving force behind Jack's decision, but that he does make the tough desisions when the chips are down, not matter the cost to himself or those around him. RTD saying that Ianto had to die to lead to Jack's decision just that RTD is using it as an excuse, and really he just wanted to kill of Ianto.
Ok those are my thoughts. What do you think? Agree, disagree, on the fence? Let me know.
I promise this is the last you will hear from me on the subject, I'm in morning for Ianto, and less involved in the Torchwood fandom now because of it. I think the only thing that will bring be back for Season Four is James Marsters coming back.