I posted this at
rarebtvs where I'm a mod, and thought I would post it on my journal as well, as I know some of you like those lesser used characters in BtVS and AtS
"Hi everyone, your friendly mods here again to wish you a Happy Easter, and let you know that we are opening the community up to more ways to celebrate those often under appreciated characters from BtVS and AtS.
We would love anything using characters that get little attention. In fiction we would love any general stories you have, pairings (het, slash or femslash), character studies, what if's if it is an under used character please post here. This also includes videos, artwork (any and all). While the classic favourites can be used, they must have a minor character in them as well. For example we are only to happy to welcome Buffy if she is sharing stage with Amy, or Angel sharing stage with Gunn. Just no canon pairings, except Angel/Cordelia or Spike/Anya.
So bring it all for us to enjoy. Give those characters we hear so little about some love.
We have included this information in our profile
So if you can help us out with any rare characters, please join and post.