Title Rocky Path
Characters Giles, Faith
Setting During Season Eight, but do not need to have read it to read
Rating U
Word Count Double Drabble, 200 words
Having done the fatherly Giles for Buffy, how does Giles feel about being partnered with Faith?
Giles watched Faith work out, they became a unit. Giles felt he understood Faith, they had both faced the darkness within them, and now sought to do good. They could talk, guide each other.
Giles had done his bit for the new Watcher Council, he had guided the newly activated young girls as best he could, but they were all innocent, never had to do the things he had in his past. Even when he only had Buffy to look after, and tried to protect her from the darkness within him from his younger days, with Ethan, practicing black magic, he never felt he had someone who would know the true depths that could easily entice.
Now with Faith as his ally, he felt he had someone he could let go with, talk about himself, even the unsavoury aspects, wouldn’t judge or moralise at him. As a unit, Faith and himself, they could fight not only the darkness of demons and vampires, but knew the darkness within, and could defeat that as well. They were the grey, and knew that it was not all black and white, sometimes you have to walk a rocky path to do the greatest good!