Well my usual three drabbles for the week! I'm on such a roll today. Can you tell this is the first day I have felt good in a long time?
Spike smashed the toy shop window. Helping Drusilla inside, he expected her to make her way towards the dolls in antique clothing, when she stopped at a display case full of stuffed toys, he moved towards her.
"What's up love?"
"Look Spike, a Bow Wow, with real fur. But no blood. I wonder where they get the fur from. Do you think that they kill other animals to make these doggies?" Drusilla danced round. "How delightful, killing live animals to make pretend ones."
Spike picked up the stuffed dog, it was hard and solid, not like the usual soft toys.
With a final round house kick, Buffy staked the last vampire that had cornered the teenagers in the alley.
"Hey, another one of my deadly quips fall on dusty ears." Buffy took a deep bow towards here the intended victims had been, but the teenagers had long since fled, taking advantage of Buffy distracting the vampires to save themselves. It was normal, they ran.
"Always the same, come in, save reckless people, engage in killer verbal exchanges, and no-one here to appreciate it by the end. One day I would like someone to tell me how good my wit is."
Spike knew he had been played along by Lindsey. Using Angel's first seers name, calling himself Doyle. It had been about Angel all along, he had just been used. Walking into Wolfram & Hart the next day, after spending the night out with the rest of the gang, he was determined to face Angel unbowed.
Walking past Harmony into Angel's office, Spike had his head held high, no matter that he had been used as a pawn in some gave to get to Angel, he knew he was a champion. Champion to the one who mattered. He was Buffy's champion.
Well I went to
writerconuk last year, and
speakr2customrs gave us a talk on the art of writing drabbles. The secret is in the final sentence. So imagin my delight when I got this comment today from
ayceey "I always like your final sentences, they're always good! :)". See if you got to the convention, you might learn something too!