After fighting for ages to get an idea, I got three, and they all wanted to grow. *sigh* so quite a struggle to keep these to 100 words!
You know, it's pretty hard for a vampire to learn to drive. Not like you can apply for a licence or anything. Then Spike had been driving since cars were first invented, he was modern vampire after all, and it made it easier to keep Dru amused as she looked out the window. There could be the odd nosey cop, Spike always stopped. Could do with a snack on the journey.
Getting cars was easy as well, just eat the driver and take the car. Now he couldn't do that with his soul, so he just used Angel's cars instead.
Buffy was going through the motions, get up, look after Dawn, go to work, patrol. Nothing gave her pleasure, touched her. She has one confidant and he was a soulless vampire, how could he understand. What concept could he have of Heaven.
Willow brought her back, ripped her out of paradise, and expected her to be thankful. She saw the vampire, and took out her stake. One, two, three, stake. No witty comebacks, no lust for the fight, she was the slayer, that is what she did. As the vampire turned to dust, she knew. She was just on autopilot.
It was automatic, you need help with schoolwork, good old reliable Willow will help you out. Xander or Buffy falling behind, boring, plain Willow was the one to call on. Even Snyder did it. One of the sport's team's need to up his grades, get Willow to help him out. The fact that this Percy thought that helping him out meant doing it for him, and treating her like a doormat.
No more meek helpful Willow. From now on she would concentrate on the magic, something she did for herself. There would be some remarkable changes, they wouldn't recognise her!
Well that is it done for this week!