May 10, 2011 15:39
So, as it is pretty much a sure thing that I will be studying at UT in Austin next year (oh, btw FUUUCCCKKKK YEEEEEAAAAAAAHH) my brain is, like, on steroids, making plans. I'm all like : I want to go there and thereandthereohandalsothereeverywheeeere. So I'm making myself a list, to be sure to not forget anything :)
-New York : (coney Island)
-Go see a permian panther game in Odessa, Texas
-Annapolis. Nope, not a all in hope for tons of sailors *whistle* (let's not follow the path where I also go to Coronado for SEALs. *shifty eyes)
-Hawaii. DUH. I think I'm really going to try to make this happen. But let me tell you that I will go around the whole island if I have to, because no way I'm there without seeing any 5-0. TRUE FACT
-New Jersey : I know right ? I'm a lost cause. But the story is also that I come from the original Bayonne, in France, and I would love to see the american one ^^
TBC.. dun dun dun !
-to watch the superbowl live
-celebrate thanksgving ^^
-visit Graceland
-see a roller derby match ? show? thingy ^^