My Interestin' Weekend...

Jun 30, 2004 03:16

Little update on my weekend. Sunday was Jeannie's B-Day and she was havin' a bbq that day but dad would not let me go to it. I really had to get out of house cause I was home all week. So I called Vikky and hung out with her. I met her at Olives and met her awsome friend Phyl. We chilled at olives for a while then Vikky asked me if I wanted to go to a bbq and I was like sure. So Vikky's friend Chris and his uncle picked us up at Olives. The bbq was really fun. some where down the road at the bbq Chris stated that he was related to Kennedys. I was like I am too. So we're like very distant cozins and it turned out to be a family bbq...LoLz. Then Vikky and I chilled with John Murphy for a bit and then went to Chris' apartment. God his place is a big mess. Vikky and I chilled out with Chris and his buddies and drank a little. Chris invited Vikky and I to sleep over so we did. So next day Vikky and I desided to clean the apartment big time. It was like a huge party was goin' on for a week and nothing was picked up or thrown out or cleaned. After that Chris cooked us a steak and Vikky and I at some left over rice from the bbq. I call John M. around 7 cause we need a ride home so he come to Chris' around 9. Well still little tired from weekend.

Till next time,
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