Apr 24, 2006 13:27
Ok, time to vent.......
For Christmas we were given giftcards for Outback Steakhouse and for a movie theatre, which a cousin and my sister also received. So, a month ago we set a date which was this past Saturday, I asked for the day off and was amazed that I even got it off as its the ONLY day of the weekend that I can work.
Sister called me Wednesday night and sounded awful, said her and Craig wouldn't be able to go which I understood, come to find out she had an infected tooth and her face was swollen. Well she had called my cousin and told him she wanted us to go still well she told me he had a race and said he still wanted to go but wasn't sure when he would be home.
So the weekend comes, sister still isn't better. Chris takes Brendan to game castle for a game tournament/release thing, he calls me every hour trying to find out whats going on, I just go ahead and get ready cause with or without anyone we are going out. They come home guess Chris won the whole tournament and got some cool prizes. I call my cousin they aren't home so we go ahead and drop the kids off at my moms who also set aside her day ahead of time. Dinner was good though we waited over an hour to get seated to eat but it was quick was we ordered adn was very good!
I email my sister and my cousins wife to let them know we went ahead to dinner, my sister emails me back cause she could detect I sounded annoyed. Apparently she called my cousin and what he actually did was make excuses to not go with us! You know, him and I were so close growing up you couldn't separate us and people thought we were brother and sister now, whenever we make plans they always back out.
We have never done anything remotely like this to cause any reason for us to be consider the black sheeps of my family and its finally struck my last fucking nerve, sorry, I'm very riled up now. It honestly irritates me that my family is so petty and inconsiderate. Seriously I had a thought today that I bet my Mom would rather my sister had given birth to my 2 sons and she would be 100% satisfied that her trophy daughter had the trophy grandkids. Should have seen the shocked expression when I told her my oldest son Brendan, made the gifted program for school next year heaven forbid I raise smart kids.
Work, well its work had my review and it went well. Though I socialize to much back at the operator, gee thought my job was to go back there and hang clothes as well *shrug* if thats socializing then I guess I'll be doing it all the time. Oh well I can only please so many people and it seems I please more at work that I hardly know then the ones I have grown up with in my own family...so be it then.
When we do move out of here, I can honestly say I'll miss my co-workers more then my family.