I walked into work last night kind of dreading the night, the LOD we usually have is on vacation for the week so we had no clue who it would be and luckily it was our new LOD Bob. He is usually the overnight Lead but they wanted him to earn all aspects of the store. After clocking in and just so happening to glance at our new schedule I notice this new system has made me available Fridays , which I haven't been for the past 9 months and persisted in scheduling me, can tell it's the start of a wonderful night. So I clock in and venture down to get a walkie and see what lovely department they have me in tonight.
Infants and Lingerie, which is my favorite out of all of em and I was also told I had a note, which is usually a sign of more work to do that I have to do since the person before me couldn't do there own job. Well, I was wrong, see the night before I had shoes with my friend Danielle and being a visit happened yesterday we had to spend most of our shift there making it look nice, if we could have taken pictures we would have as it hasn't looked that nice in awhile. Well Janet, who seems to be the lead thats assigned to shoes, left me a giftcard for doing such a nice job, only 5 bucks but it was nice to be noticed. Though, I had help it wasn't just me so I need to find out if Danielle got one or not, if she didn't I honestly don't think its fair for me to have one.
Kids seem to be healthy for now, maybe I can now sterilize our place haha. Apparently my Mom is going to start Weight Watchers again and asked if I would do it with her, I said sure. Then out of no where she actually said something nice to me weight wise which she hasn't done since I was in High School. She told me she was going through old pictures and found one of me a few years ago maybe like 3-4 years and said she couldn't believe how much weight I have lost since then, which is a nice compliment coming from her. So with me walking every morning and working at night and dieting I should get to where I want to be rather quickly... yay!
wulfens_woes has picked up his pace in the job hunt field. I don't see how anyone could handle working where he does now, of course Californians are usually oblivious to anyone elses needs other than there own so its really not that unusual.. " As long as I can have the shift I want, to not do the work I should be doing to live the luxurious life, screw everyone else" seems to be a motto here. Ohio is hopefully where we will end up, as it would be nice to be back with our friends and family but I'm up for anything really, can't possibly be any worse then here. California is a nice place to visit for a few days, but living here drains the very soul out of you.
Ok thats enough for now :)