Hi, I've been attempting to find a piece of fanfiction for awhile now. I believe it was located on the WRFA website, and was revolved around X3. It featured Gambit, but I believe it was a Rogan story. In it, Rogue decided not to take the Cure. She also traveled to Muir Island to bring the Professor home, but without the knowledge of her teammates. On the way she stopped in the airport and rented a convertible which she drove out to the Island, along with a scarf around her neck. After getting the Professor, he helped her develop a version of the Cure that didn't last quite so long and would help her to learn when her powers were off, so she could control them. I do believe Gambit applied this cure. Does anyone know the name of this story.
On another note, I had a story bookmarked titled, "I'm the Rogue" by Like A Hurricane. It could possibly be the story I was speaking of above. It has been removed, however the old location was:
http://wolverineandrogue.com/wrfa/viewstory.php?skin=LiquidSteel&sid=3035&index=1. I have contacted Like A Hurricane to let her know her story was taken down, but I don't believe she accesses the account any longer. I was wondering if this was done purposely, or if a link was deleted. Please help me to figure this out, it has been plaguing me for weeks.
Thanks so much,
Ellen Marie