Title: October 19 (1/2)
Author: JaqofSpades
Email: jaqfic at yahoo dot com dot au
Rating: PG13
Archive: WRFA
Spoilers/Continuity: X1/X2/X3
Genre: Drama
Summary: “It was a birthday gift. Hunter green, padded so thick she thought she would expire just trying it on.” Ten years in the life of a coat.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing. Please don't sue. The copyrights of Marvel Comics and Twentieth Century Fox are respectfully acknowledged.
Feedback: please. Constructive is best, any is welcome.
Author's Notes: I wanted to explore the evolution of Marie into Rogue, and the impact Logan has on her life. My small, very belated birthday gift for Amanda (sweety167) because October 19 was her birthday and I wasn’t able to do anything at the time. My way of saying: you were an early supporter of my writing, and it meant a lot. Thank you.
It was a birthday gift. Hunter green, padded so thick she thought she’d expire just trying it on. August in Meridian, and it was 100 degrees outside, a swelter of scorching heat and relentless humidity.